Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where has all the sleep gone?

I have some really cool things going on right now. I had an awesome opportunity to talk to Paul Jenkins and have him review some of my work. What an incredible guy. Can't thank him enough for all the feedback and getting me moving in the right direction.

I've basically shelved all of my projects except one. It's a story I've wanted to do for about six years. Thumbnails are done, the 500th draft of the script is done. I'm sure a couple hundred revisions are still looming in my future. I start the penciling tomorrow and can't wait to get it rolling.

In the mean time. Here is a Black Adam pic I penciled and inked and my buddy Jeff Balke colored for me. Jeff agreed to do the coloring for my book and I am pumped to have him on board. Keep you posted.

